Date: 2025-02-16


There is an interesting phenomenom. Many humans somehow act like
robots most of the time. You show them facts, point them to the
reality, but it does not matter, they don't hear, don't see. Only what
they are able to do is following their master. Mode 100/0. 100%
stupidity, 0% intelligence used. Their intelligence is totally off.

You show them, that DKIM for mail server is nonsense, it is completely
pointless. Yet, next day they create mail server, they implement DKIM.
Why? Obviously, because their master told them to. 

Somehow certain type of people can be manipulated and totally
controlled without any signs of resistance. Their master can throw at
them whatever he wishes. No matter how absurd it is.
Russian are starving, can't take a village, but next month they will
take over whole Europe. A virus from sick bat is deadly, but some
vaccine is good. China is an environment danger, while they produce
the most "green agenda" products and have the biggest renewable power
plants on the Earth. Carbon dioxide produced by humans alters
temperature on the Earth. If cows fart less, climate will improve.
Democracy falling from the sky, 100 genders you can choose from.
You choose your leaders in elections. You are free while governments
use weapons against you. Infinite options, one nonsense over another.

Master can send those idiots to fight other people, to kill them. He
can send them to slaughterhouse. Those masters have practically total
control of this group. It's a big group. Most activists, all those "I
stand with", all those online cripples who want to shape the world
based on their master's script. Blind, deaf and stupid.

Why would some master want stupid slaves? Simply because stupid people
are obedient. The society, the religions, the state, the crowd, they
all want you to be stupid. They all condition you to remain stupid
your whole life. Nobody wants you to be intelligent, because when you
become intelligent, you are danger to them. You start to thinking on
your own. You stop just following orders like a robot.

If you light a bit into their darkness, they will do everything to
destroy you, to break your light. It's their default automatic mode.
Whoever points to the reality becomes their enemy. Those people are
responsible for most inhuman processes and suffering on the planet.
The crowd will never tolerate an individual.

Stupidity is not absence of the intelligence. It means, that
intelligence was not used. A rock can't be stupid. A wolf does not
want become a bear. Wolf was born as wolf and as wolf he will die.
Wolf can't transcend, he can't grow. Human can and if he does not, he
is stupid. Human is a process. The sound of freedom has many dangers.
You have to make a step, you have to jump, you can move or fall down.
The freedom, the opportunity to reach the gods also includes
the ability to fall to the bottom.


A tree can't get Nobel prize, rock can't be stupid. Idiots are trained