Date: 2024-10-18 Last update: 2024-10-18 Universe, big bang, god and science ----------------------------------- There was nothing, okay, maybe something but very small dirt in the middle of nowhere. It was pretty hot. This little piece of shit exploded. Then random shit were created itself in random condition and somehow in these random events, some intelligent life was also created. They don't mention any god, creator, some intelligence. No idea why, as their theory confirm creating some intelligence by random events. So it looks, something may exist before that little dirt exploded and it may be some intelligence. No idea if their theory says, there was not nothing around or just empty place. I assume they think, there was random empty infinite space which was there probably forever? Imagine infinite space, empty, cold, dark or maybe not, as dark and cold is also something, not really nothing and empty. So just assume that space was empty, whatever it was. Somehow, randomly there was that tiny piece of hot shit. Imagine it, trillions over trillions, infinite space and one random ball flying around ;/ Later that ball just exploded and filled up this lovely space with intelligent life and some rocks, fire and water and all those things. Now we make iphones and dildos from it ;/ On other hand, there is another cool theory that everything was created by some intelligence, some god. That theory is pretty simple and easy, as if there is some high intelligence, something we may call god, he can practically come and create. One universe or two. He probably did not need any theory, any material, book, receipt, law, some consent, approval. That's something ye? You just wake up, if you even slept and say, let's create some world and boom! Flying over dark water, make some light and bird, boy, woman and earthworm, cockroach, tree, uranium and carbon dioxide ;/ He created even ancestors of Bill and Adolf, Vladimir and Ursula. That's something dear! Those two theories don't really contradicts each other, are very similar in their content. One just make the creation intelligent, other random nonsense. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen. .